Story Behind The Nanny Club

Apply To Become A Nanny

See What Our Kind Of Services We Offer

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amazing intern travel the world


From Nanny to a Family Manager or Even a
Personal Assistant - We've Got You Covered!

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"The Nanny Club's Matching Promise"

Discovering the Perfect Match

We take the time to understand each nanny's unique skills, experience, and preferences. This allows us to match them with families that will appreciate their unique qualities and provide them with the support they need to succeed.

Matching Your Family with the Perfect Nanny

We also take the time to understand each family's specific needs, preferences, and lifestyle. This allows us to match them with a nanny that will be a great fit for their family and meet all their childcare needs.

We make the match

With both the nanny's and family's information, we carefully match them based on compatibility and shared interests. Our goal is to ensure that both the nanny and the family are happy with the match and that the nanny is well-supported in their role

Matchmaking with Care

Our Matching Promise is our guarantee that we will use all of our resources, expertise, and experience to match our nannies with the families that are the best fit for them. We believe that a great match leads to a successful working relationship and a happy nanny and family

Discover the Magic of Matchmaking with The Nanny Club!

Get in Touch Today! Contact us at +31 6 11 12 4 6 60 or visit us at our Herengracht office in Amsterdam

What families
have to say about us


Senior Nanny - Just Like Family


At The Nanny Club, we are a dynamic and experienced team driven by passion. Our personal experiences and commitment to excellence ensure that our experienced nannies meet the unique needs of each family. Our top priority is providing care for our families, along with offering flexibility and quick response times.


Our team invests time in our matching process to ensure that we pair you with the right nanny for your family. At The Nanny Club, the right match between a nanny and a family is crucial for the relationship's success. That's why we work tirelessly to ensure that our nannies are reliable and trustworthy.


We understand that every family and every nanny is unique. Our top priority is to match families with the perfect nanny, and that's what we do best. Our selection process is strict, and we ensure that all of our nannies are trained in first aid for babies and children. With The Nanny Club, families can rest assured that they are joining an exclusive community of experienced and professional nannies.


Ready to discover the magic of our services and book a appointment with us. Visit and join us at our Amsterdam office on the Prinsengracht, we are ready to answer all your questions with a cup of coffee or tea. WE'VE GOT YOU COVERED